Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekly Preview- Oct. 9

This week we will finish PALS testing.  We will read the Napping House working on retelling and rhyming words.  We will also learn about the letter m.  Our poem for this week will be 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.  We will continue to work on writing 1 sentence independently in our writing journals.  This week in math, we will learn how to classify a penny and nickel.  We will talk about characteristics of both and even do an experiment with a penny!  In social studies, we will talk about Christopher Columbus and learn about how our families, communities and schools have changed from the past to now.  Have a great week!

A few reminders:
Tuesday, October 9-  Parent Conferences- these are by appointment only and I have already contacted you about these if you have one scheduled!

Please check your child's folder tomorrow for a detailed conference schedule.

Please send back Impact Aid forms if you haven't already.

Many Thanks!
Mrs. Beltz

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