Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Year End Post....not goodbye just 'til next year!

As this year comes to a close, I want to thank every parent and every child for a great 2 years.  I have enjoyed every minute of the last two years.  I have seen these Kindergarteners grow into independent, strong willed, intelligent second graders.  They are the BEST!

Here are some pictures that help to capture our last days together.

What a great group of students!  

Enjoy 2nd Grade!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Weekly Preview...

This week will be pretty busy with lots of excitement.  We will have Encore switch this week.  This means the class will have Encore in the morning to allow our 3,4,5 graders to have Encore after taking SOL tests.  We will be going to the Health Fair on Thursday morning ( this is in the gym ).  We will have Field Day on Friday morning.  

We will continue with the reading series and continue to read daily.  The class will be writing letters of advice to next years first graders.  

We will learn about the 4th of July Holiday this week.  We will continue to review all Math SOLS taught this year with a variety of lessons. 

Field Day Reminders:
Please send a change of clothes with your child to school as they may get wet.  

Please look in your child's folder tomorrow explaining our end of year party.

Many Thanks,
Mrs. Beltz

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Field Trip...Friends of the Rappahannock

Here are a few memories from today's trip....

Here is a video describing the parts of a tree and their functions!

Monday, May 19, 2014

This Week...

Well, we are winding down our time together and each time I think about it, I get sad!  Sad to see my babies leave me but soooo PROUD of how far they have come since we got together 2 years ago!

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend and now for another weekly update:

This week we will continue to read, read, read!  I will also be doing more reading assessments as the county is moving towards Fontas & Pinnell for reading levels.  Means nothing to you but for us it will give us a more accurate reading level for each child and also give their second grade teacher a solid place to start with them as soon as the walk through the door in second.  We will continue with the reading series this week and I will be squeezing in reading groups whenever possible.

We will write about how we have "bloomed" from kindergarten to the end of first grade.  It will be interesting to see if they see how much they have changed!  We will continue to use the four square writing model.

In math, we will be reviewing place value and counting of all kinds.  We will do this in many different ways and may even get the chance to show off our knowledge by opening "the wall" and learning with another class on Friday afternoon.

We will continue to learn about economics with the focus on goods and services, consumers and producers.  We are making a flip book that highlights these terms and their definitions.

Upcoming events:
Please continue to send in a snack daily!
No School on Monday- Memorial Day
Tuesday - May 27 First Grade Field Trip

Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

Sunday, May 11, 2014

This Week

We have already finished PALS testing.  They did an awesome job.  I so proud of all my soon to be second graders!

We will continue to read in whole group and in small reading groups.  This week we will work on story sequencing and words that end with es and ies.  We will be taking the county writing prompt which I will encourage them to use the 4 square model to complete.

In math, we will continue with fractions of a set.  This concept is somewhat harder to grasps than just fractions.  We will continue to learn this with some fun lessons.  We will then move on to reviewing counting mixed coins, measuring and telling time.

We will finish learning about plants in Science.  We will then take our assessment on this SOL and move on to our last SOL of the year, Economics.  We will learn about needs/wants, saving, and producers/consumers.  This unit will take 2 weeks to complete.

Please contact me if you would like to know how your child performed on PALS.

Things to remember:
Please continue to send in a snack daily.
No school on Memorial day
Field Trip is coming up....details to follow

Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

Monday, April 14, 2014

This week...

Hi Parents,

This week we will continue to Read, Read, Read!  We will learn about the vowel pairs/sounds that ow, ou make at times.  We will continue to focus on writing using the four square model.  This week we will write about what it would be like to be the Easter Bunny.

We will continue to review equality in math and work a little on reviewing patterns.  Please continue to work on fast facts.  Many students are nearing the end of addition and working towards subtraction!  Way to go!

We will finish talking about natural resources and take an assessment on that towards the end of the week.

We will get the chance to see the recorder concert and have a guidance lesson with Mrs. Kopley.  Dr. Slunt, a professor from UMW, will also be in at the end of the week to do a lesson with the class.

TUESDAY is class picture day and individual picture day.  These pictures do need to be paid for in advance.  It is also the last call for early yearbook purchase.  Yearbook will be on sale again at the end of the year just not at the discounted price.



Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

The "Spots" last week...

 Our very own "spots" going to the
 Little Feet Meet!
Congratulations on a great job boys!

 Raising money for childhood $1.00 to wear a hat!  Thanks helping to make a difference!