Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Star Helper of the Week

Star Helper of the Week!
This week's star helper of the week is Ava.  Ava's favorite food is pizza.  Her favorite thing to do at school is play outside.  Ava's favorite color is pink.  

Great Job Ava!  Keep up the good work!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weekly Preview- Nov. 26

Weekly Preview- Nov. 26

This week will focus on the poem Jack and Jill.  We will use this for Concept of Word.  We will also begin to learn how to break down words into sounds.  We will use sound boxes and do lots of activities with this concept.  We will learn the letter n.  We will use the story starter, Over Thanksgiving break…  This will help the students begin to develop ideas about what to write and be able to put them down on paper.  We will continue to do reading groups.

Math will focus on addition.  We will be introduced to the concept on Monday and use a variety of techniques to learn this SOL.  We will use ten frames, different types of manipulatives and some worksheets.

We will learn about Human Growth in Social Studies.  We will talk about there are different stages in life, baby, toddler, teen and adult.  We will look at characteristics that help us to classify each stage of life.  We will even look at our own baby picture and see how we have changed already.


We will be going outside until it’s too cold.  Please send your child with a coat.
We are running low on extra snacks, if you can send some in that would be appreciated.
Please send in a baby picture of your child by Wednesday.  You will not get this picture back.

Many Thanks,
Mrs. Beltz

Thanksgiving Feast

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you all have enjoyed some quality family time this holiday.  I know I have!  Before we left school for break, we celebrated our Thanksgiving feast.  We had some Pilgrims and lots of Native Americans.  We feasted on popcorn, oranges, trail mix and juice boxes.  We talked about the first Thanksgiving and how Pilgrim children had very different lives than we do today.  I hope they learned a lot.  Enjoy the pictures. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekly Preview- Nov. 19

This week we will work on listening skills and story retelling.  We will listen to books about Thanksgiving and practice retelling the stories to our friends.  We will also continue to work on Fantasy vs. Realism.  We will create a list of things that make a book fantasy and a book realism.  We will NOT have word study this week.  We will practice putting our own words together to form sentences in our writing journals.

We will make our pattern necklaces in math with the focus on AB patterns.  Look for these at our Thanksgiving Feast!  We will also continue to work on writing numbers from 11-20.  

We will finish our Thanksgiving book.  This book is focused on the SOLs for Holidays and Past and Present.  

Our feast will be on Monday afternoon at 2:30.  If you want your child to dress as a Pilgrim, they can wear black or white.  If you want them to dress as a Native American, they can wear brown.  Nothing else special needed.  

Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Star Student Helper of the Week

Star Student Helper of the Week:
Jack likes to play red light green light.  His favorite food is french fries .  He loves to play outside at school.  Keep working hard Jack!

Tibits from this week.....

This week we had “P day”.  We got to write with pens all day long on paper.

We also got to build with legos in math.  We used our Legos to help us put numbers in order from 1-20 and then identify numbers out of order from 1-20.  What fun!

Perferct Attendance!!!!

Wow!  Check out who had perfect attendance for the first 9 weeks! 
Way to go Lindsey, Camden, Jack, Hernan and Makiya!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012




Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekly Preview- Nov. 12

Weekly Preview- Nov. 12

This week we will continue to practice our Turkey poem and focus on Concept of Word.  We will work on the letters n and p while reviewing all letters and their sounds.  We will also keep reading groups moving along.  In writing this week, we will focus on writing about things we are thankful.  We will also learn 3 new sight words.  Please practice these words at home.
go                in                it

We will learn about magnets this week and learn the words that are associated with magnets, like north and south pole, and not where Santa lives!  We will also learn about the first Thanksgiving.

In math, we will continue to work with numbers to 20.  We will also work on comparing numbers and distinguishing between more and less.  We will play games and make learning math fun this week!

We will have a guidance lesson this week with Mrs. Kopley.  If you haven’t returned your child’s report card signed, please do so as soon as possible. 

I’m looking forward to another great week in Kindergarten! 

Learning Lots,
Mrs. Beltz

Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekly Preview- Nov. 7

This week we will be learning a new poem called Turkey, Turkey!  We will use this poem to continue our focus of Concept of word and rhyming.  Due to the short week last week, we will continue with the same word study and the same letter, H.

We will finish learning about seasonal change and complete our book about Fall.  We will then begin to explore and learn about magnets.

We will finish learning about ordinal numbers and begin to learn our numbers to 20.  We will identify and write them this nine weeks.

A few reminders:

No school again tomorrow!
Report cards will be sent home this Thursday---if you have any questions about them please contact me.
If you signed up to send in an item for our feast and haven't sent it in yet, please try to send it in as soon as possible.
It gets very COLD in our classroom.  Please send your child with a light jacket they can wear in class and a coat to wear outside.  We will still be going outside for recess until it gets below 40 degrees.

If you are in need of ANYTHING this holiday season, PLEASE email me directly so I can help provide you and your family with what you need to make this a blessed one!


Loving Kindergarten,
Mrs. Beltz

Reading groups and Literacy Stations

Reading groups...yes I am wearing my Cinderella crown.  When I am wearing it the students know NO ASKING ME QUESTIONS!  They do an awesome job at reminding me to put it on!
A few Literacy stations....children @ work!

Making reading fun!

Fabulous 50!

Happy 50th Day of School!

We celebrated in style....or at least 50's style.  We practiced our dance moves including the sprinkler.  We looked at pictures showing us how technology and style has changed over the years.  We counted to 50 by using groups of 10.  We also got to chew gum and enjoy root beer floats.  Here are some pictures of all our fun!