This week we will attempt to complete all SOL requirements from last week. We will continue with the reading series. We will talk about the long a vowel sound, we will talk about sequencing and continue to work on learning about how to use different punctuation marks. We have started new reading groups and the class seems excited to get back into reading. We will also starting new word study groups this week. Word study will start to come home with homework. We ask that you practice spelling these words with your child as well as looking for their spelling patterns in everyday reading. The class did their own 4-square writing this past week and rocked it! I was so impressed with how well they picked a topic, wrote 3 sentences about that topic and wrote a closing sentence. We will continue with this model. We will also be composing thank you letters for Dr. Slunt, a professor from UMW, who came and did some science experiments with us this past week.
We will continue to work on place value and then move on to telling time to the hour and half hour. We will use analog and digital clocks for this. The class has been doing a great job with their fast facts tests and we are moving ahead!
We will finish talk about experiments and learn about properties of matter. We will talk about solids, liquids and gases. We will identify things in our environment that fall under each property of matter. We had a professor come to visit us twice this past week. She did some cool science experiments with the entire first grade. Ask your child about them!
Things to remember:
Please send in an empty cereal box, we are using them for Valentine's day.
I will be sending home a supply list of items needed for Valentine's day, please return if you are able to contribute.
Report Cards will come home Monday, Feb. 3. Please sign and return them ASAP.
Conference night, Tuesday Feb, 4.
Friday, Feb. 7 is a half day.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz
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