Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This week....

Let it SNOW, let it SNOW, let it SNOW!  If it's going to snow, I want enough to build a snowman!  Hopefully, the little ones will get the chance to play in it.  Weather depending, here is the rundown for this week.

We will continue with the reading series whole group.  We will focus on comparing characters while reading.  We will also review the digraphs ch, sh, th, and wh.  We will also begin our focus on exclamation sentences.  We worked on asking sentences last week and they rocked it!  We will incorporate our Social Studies SOL into writing and write about Our dreams for the world.  We will continue to use 4 square while writing.  We have been doing 4 square for months now and next week I will see if our hard work has paid off.  I am going to let them pick their topic, create their 4 square, make a sloppy copy and then create a final writing piece.  We will start up reading groups again.  These groups have been "reorganized" to fit each students reading level at this time.  The class continues to make great progress and we will read on!  We will not have word study outside the classroom this week as we will also be "reorganizing" these groups.  We will do a review of the digraphs during word study time in our classroom.

This week in math we will focus on place value.  We will use base ten blocks to review this concept.  We will be making  and reading lots of numbers to 100.  We will be making flashcards for 2+ fast facts.  The class is doing a great job on these tests.  Please continue to practice them at home.  We will make the flashcards but since this week is shortened as is next week, I will not assess them until the end of next week.

We will take our assessment on Winter Weather the day we return to school.  We will also talk about Martin Luther King, Jr and why he was/is so important in shaping our current society.

Dates and things to Remember:
This Friday, the 24th,  is a half-day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:30.
No school on January 27, Monday.  This is a professional development day for teachers.
January 30, Report cards will be sent home.
January 28, 1st half of the year Awards Assembly---PLEASE NOTE---I sent home slips to the parents of the children receiving awards this semester---the time has been changed to 2:00 from 2:30.
Feb. 4- Conference night-- Please be looking for slips if I feel we need to conference--or drop me a note if you wish to conference with me.
Feb. 7- Half day for students

Valentine's day is around the corner....PLEASE send in an EMPTY cereal box with your child before Feb. 7.

Thanks and Enjoy the SNOW!
Mrs. Beltz

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