Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekly Preview- Nov. 7

This week we will be learning a new poem called Turkey, Turkey!  We will use this poem to continue our focus of Concept of word and rhyming.  Due to the short week last week, we will continue with the same word study and the same letter, H.

We will finish learning about seasonal change and complete our book about Fall.  We will then begin to explore and learn about magnets.

We will finish learning about ordinal numbers and begin to learn our numbers to 20.  We will identify and write them this nine weeks.

A few reminders:

No school again tomorrow!
Report cards will be sent home this Thursday---if you have any questions about them please contact me.
If you signed up to send in an item for our feast and haven't sent it in yet, please try to send it in as soon as possible.
It gets very COLD in our classroom.  Please send your child with a light jacket they can wear in class and a coat to wear outside.  We will still be going outside for recess until it gets below 40 degrees.

If you are in need of ANYTHING this holiday season, PLEASE email me directly so I can help provide you and your family with what you need to make this a blessed one!

Loving Kindergarten,
Mrs. Beltz

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