Happy Halloween!
This week will be a busy one! We will have time for fun and time for learning. We will continue to work on reading as a whole group and in reading groups. We will be working on the short u sound. We will also be focusing on story structure. This will include identifying characters, problem, solution and setting. We will continue to work on the writing process. We will focus on creating a graphic organizer, writing a sloppy copy and then creating a final piece. We will also continue to review all sight words.
We will finish learning about force and motion and begin talking about seasonal changes. This will include learning about how the weather affects animals, plants and us.
In math, we will focus on telling time to the hour and measuring length.
We will have some harvest fun on Thursday and go on our field trip on Friday.
Reminders for this week:
Monday- Be on the winning team- don't do drugs- Wear a team jersey day
Tuesday- You'd be crazy to do drugs- Wear a hat day
Wednesday- I wouldn't dream of doing drugs- Wear your PJ's day
Thursday- Dress up as your favorite story book character
Friday- Wear RED day
Friday is our field trip. PLEASE have your child dress appropriately as it will be chilly!!! Your child also NEEDS a bagged lunch for that day.
Have a great weekend and a great week!
Mrs. Beltz