Monday, May 13, 2013

Silly Sock Day and Favorite Book Day!!!

WOW!  A fun morning for us...Silly sock day and bring your favorite book from home day.  We sat with buddies and shared our favorite books.  We also shared our silly socks!  FUN< FUN<FUN!

Parents/Families---- PLEASE remember to send in your boosterthon pledged money by THURSDAY!

Many Thanks!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

This week...

This week....

This week we finish PALS testing.  We are finished with the main testing, now on to the reading levels.  Yep, we are all reading!  We will continue to review all concepts learned this year.  

We will pretend we are a butterfly and a caterpillar and incorporate that into our writing this week.  We will also complete the counties Spring writing prompt.  This is the prompt that will go with them to first grade.  

We will be learning about life cycles over the next two weeks.  This week we will focus on the life cycle of a butterfly and next week we will look at the frog.  We will read lots of books and even make our own book similar to the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  

We will review telling time to the hour through lots of games and fun in math.  


Please continue to practice reading sight words and spelling them as this is the last week before they will be tested!

Please continue to send in snack with your child daily.

Please send in ALL Boosterthon donations by THURSDAY!  

Monday is silly sock day and bring your favorite book from home day!

On the last day of school, Kindergarten will put on a short singing program followed by cookies, juice and a slide show in our classroom.  You are then permitted to take your child home with you. 

Thank you for continuing to make this year awesome!
Have a great week and Happy Mother's Day!
Mrs. Beltz

Saturday, May 11, 2013


What a BLAST!  
The kids loved running the track and had a great time this week on 


Thank you to all the family and friends that contributed to this school fundraiser!  

The class has earned silly sock day and bring your favorite book from home day on Monday!
Way to go!

Seeds and Plants

Plant, plant, planting seeds….watching as they grow!

This week we not only planted our own plants we also got the chance to plant pumpkin seeds in the outside flower bed for the entire school to enjoy.  They loved pulling the weeds and digging the holes to put their seeds in.  This crew really knows their seed/plant facts.  Just ask them!

They were so well behaved and loved this...I told a few of them I might even higher them to come to my house to pull weeds!