Sunday, February 24, 2013

Looking Ahead...

Looking Ahead…

This week we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday!  What fun!  We are asking the students to participate in various ways throughout the week.  Here is a list of fun ways to celebrate each day:

Monday-  wear your stripes day
Tuesday-  crazy hat day
Wednesday- mix/match day
Thursday- silly sock day
Friday- wear red/black/white day

We will be formally taught the letter I,i.  We will work on spelling words with the short u sound.  We will continue to read, read, read and we will work on making connections from text to text, or book to book.  We will learn a new poem that is part of a Dr. Seuss rhyme and use that to focus on Concept of Word for the next two weeks.

We will work on a variety of concepts in math this week making each day a fun connection to Dr. Seuss.  We will do things like counting to 50, review subtraction, make a graph and interpret the data, and review the concepts of small, smaller, smallest, big, bigger, and biggest. 

We will read lots of Dr. Seuss books and do some fun activities to go with each book.  We will also be visited by the Cat in the Hat himself this week.   Come back soon to look at pictures from this week.

We are still in need of glue sticks!  Thank you to everyone who has contributed extra snacks and hand sanitzer this week. 

Please continue to practice sight words daily and complete homework each night.
Due to weather conditions still being unpredictable, please continue to send in a jacket with your child.

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Beltz

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!
So happy to be celebrating with my little love bugs today.  We sang songs, made some valentines, and enjoyed some tasty treats.  Have a Lovely Night!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Star Student Helper

Makiya is our star student helper this week!  Makiya’s favorite color is pink.  She loves to eat cheese! Yummy!  P.E. is her favorite thing to do at school.  Keep working hard!
P.R.R ing with pride!

They are at it again!!!!!

Our behavior can't get much better than this!
We've done it again and earned 30 gold coins!
This time I let the class pick their reward and cream it is!

Star Student Helpers...I am behind!!!!!

2 Weeks ago Alex was our Star Student Helper.  Alex loves to play Angry Birds.  He loves his fruit snacks and especially loves to run outside at recess. 

Last week, Elvin was our Star Student Helper of the week.  Elvin loves to eat goldfish.  Elvin likes to go math exploartion tubs at school.  His favorite game to play is pumpkins. 

They both did an awesome leading our class and learned a lot along the way!

Keep It Up!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Looking Ahead....

Looking Ahead....

I owe you all an apology...I completely forgot to send home reading book bags on Friday!!!  I will be sending them home on Monday.  Please return by this Friday to get a new one.  Must have been the long week that threw my brain off, lol!

This week we will look at the letter D.  We will also begin to learn about making connection when reading starting with making a connection between a book and ourselves.  We will talk about the book and how we can relate to it.  We will also continue to do reading groups.  We are doing an amazing job reading and working on concept of word.  We will continue to write in our journals daily.  This we will write about things we love, things we like to do with our friends, and how to be a good friend. 

We will work on patterns in math.  This is a review for most of us but we will continue to extend this concept and find some new fun ways to learn this week.  We will work on creating and extending patterns all this week.  

We will talk a lot about friends this week.  We will work on social skills and talk about ways to be a friend, ways to talk to a friend and how to share/play with friends.  We will make our valentine bags and also have a guidance lesson with Mrs. Kopley.

We will celebrate Valentine's day on Thursday.  If you are sending in Valentines please send them in on this day.  If you need another list of classmates, please let me know and I will send them home.  If you have offered to send in any items, please do on or before Thursday.

As always, I am looking forward to another week with my kiddos and thank you for your continued support in making this year the BEST!  

Have a great week!

Mrs. Beltz

Monday, February 4, 2013

100 Day Fun!

Happy 100th Day of School!

We had such a fun day celebrating being 100 days smarter.  Check out some of the fun we had!

We had Granny come to visit who just happened to turn 100 today! We used 100 cups and 100 Legos to make a creation.  We strung 100 fruit loops and even made the 100 using Twizzlers and oreos, YUM!  Lots of fun and learning with the number 100!  Stayed tuned for our next adventure!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

This week....

This week will be a busy one for sure!  We have lots of fun activities planned to help us learn this week.

In Language Arts, we will continue to read and do literacy stations.  We have added lots of new and exciting activities to our stations.  We will also continue to review punctuation marks at the end of sentences.  They are getting pretty good at this.  We will also learn the letter Q, while continuing to review all sight words to date.  We will write about 102 things we would love to have and 102 things we would not like to have.  That should be a fun writing activity.

During math,we will review measuring using nonstandard forms of measurement.  We will use some tasty candy to help us measure as well as measure our own feet.  Stay clear of our room that day, STINKY!  

During Social Studies and Science time this week, we will finish up learning about the groundhog and shadows.  We will talk a little about dental health and how to care for our teeth.  

The most exciting part of this week, happens on MONDAY.  We will celebrate our 100th day of school.  We will do many fun activities to us celebrate our being 100 days SMARTER!

Friday will also be wear your PJ's day to support those children fighting cancer!  

As always, if you need anything or need to conference, please contact the school or email me!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

PS. Come back tomorrow(Tuesday) to see our fun 100th day of school!