Sunday, January 27, 2013

Looking Ahead....

This week will begin with finishing some thing up from last week and our unexpected days off!  We will finish up learning to subtract and with Martin Luther King, Jr.

This week our new topics will be states of water, solids, liquids and gasses.  We will look at the different stages, how to identify them and change them from one state to another.  We will also play a game with ice cubes!  Fun.  

We will continue to practice our skip counting in math.  We will practice counting by 5's, 10's and 1's to 50.  We will look at our hands for help!

We will continue with reading groups, recognizing sight words, writing and story retellings.  We will do the county retelling this week.  We will also work on recognizing different types of sentences, asking, telling and exited.  

A few reminders:

Report cards will go home this week.  Please sign and return your child's report as soon as possible.  

Monday will be day 5 for us.  We have P.E. Monday and Tuesday of this week.

Our 100th day of school will now be on Monday, February  4.  We will still be in need of a few supplies.  If you are able to help, please return the slip inside your child's homework folder and I will confirm your choice.  

Please look inside your child's homework folder in the homework area for this nine week's sight words.  These words must be recognized immediately and spelled correctly.  I will hold your child accountable for spelling those words correctly while journal writing.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz

Thursday, January 24, 2013



We have been hoping for this day all year!  To all my little doodlebops, I hope you get out into the snow and have some fun.  

This is us wearing our SNOW hats!

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
PS. If you wore your PJ's inside out and backwards, and put ice cubes in the toilet...GREAT JOB!

Monday, January 21, 2013

This Week....

This week we will begin reading groups again!  The PALS testing has been completed and we are beginning new groups.  Every child did an awesome job on PALS testing and the improvement throughout the class amazed me!  Starting this Friday, your child will bring home a reading book bag.  Inside the bag is a leveled reader that they have been working on during the week.  At home, I am asking you to allow your child to read this book to anyone and everyone that will listen.  We are focusing on reading fluency and reading confidence.  Please fill out the sheet inside your child's bag and return the recording sheet and book back to school each Monday.  We will continue to practice Kindergarten sight words.  The new sight words for this nine weeks are:  for, the, on, big, go, me.  Your child is expected to be able to read and spell these words by the end of Kindergarten.  Please work on these words at home.  We will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. and how he has helped changed our world.  We will also learn the concept of subtraction this week in math.

Upcoming events:

Report cards go home on Thursday.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me.

Next Thursday is our 100th day of school.  We are in need of a few supplies.  Please look for this list in your child's behavior folder.  

February 8 and 18 are now SCHOOL DAYS!  These are make-up days due to Hurricane Sandy.  

Have a great week and I look forward to learning with my fantastic Kinders this week!
Mrs. Beltz

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fun with learning......

This week’s exciting learning experiences:

We read “10 little rubber ducks” by Eric Carle and used some real rubber ducks to practice our ordinal numbers.   We also played a few games using our ordinal number words.  Ask your child about them!

We also each got to pick two objects to test in our sink and float bucket.  We had to tell the class what we thought the objects would do; sink or float.

Of course we had to test SHARKIE!  We discovered that SHARKIE would rather go for a swim than sink or float.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Looking Ahead- January 14

This week we will finish up PALS testing.  They have been working hard in completing that.  We will learn a few more sight words and learn the letter F.  We will begin to shift our focus in word study from beginning/ending sounds to word families.  We will start with at and an word families this week.  We will also begin to learn about telling sentences, asking sentences and excited sentences.  We will resume literacy stations and hopefully begin reading groups again next week.  We will work on writing sentences that describe winter.

We will focus on ordinal numbers in math.  We will read Eric Carle's "10 Little Rubber Ducks".  We will then use rubber ducks to help identify oridnal places.  We will also play some games using ordinal numbers. 

We will learn about the words sink and float in Science/Theme this week.  We will do some water exploration and find out what objects sink and which float.  We might even discover the reason why some objects sink and some float.

Please remember that we have a half day on Thursday.  The children will get out at 12:25.  No school on Friday as it is a teacher workday and No school on Monday to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.  Report cards will also be coming out soon.  

Have a great weekend and check out our most recent posting with lots of pictures from this week!
Mrs. Beltz


WOW!  Another 30 GOLD COINS!  Way to go Kindergarten!  They have been working hard, playing hard, and learning hard!  I am so proud of them.  We celebrated with hot chocolate and goldfish!  KEEP IT UP!

Learning about Winter!

This week we have been learning about winter and how it affects us and animals in our area.  We talked a lot about how we have to change the type of clothing we wear in order to stay warm.  The students were divided into groups and given a little person already cut out.  I then gave then construction paper and ask them to make/coloring clothing on their person to show them ready for winter.  Here are some of the pictures.... 

This week we also learned what a thermometer is and what is measures.  We understand how the red on the thermometer will go up in hot weather or hot food, go way down in cold weather or cold food and stay the same in mild or warm weather/food.  They had a blast watching the thermometer move up and down.  Here are some pictures!

Isn't a winter without snow great?!?!?  It might not be cold outside but we know all about Winter!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Star Student Helper

This week’s star student helper is Hailee!
Hailee loves to go to P.E.  She also loves the color purple.  Hailee’s  favorite food is Macaroni.  She likes to play freeze tag.  Hailee has been a great helper since we returned to school.  Keep up the great work!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekly Preview- Jan.7

Weekly Preview-

Last week we did lots of reviewing and I was tickled to see that my little kinders did not forget anything over winter break!  How exciting!  They worked hard and fell right back into the daily routine.  SO here's to a great 2013!

This week we will begin PALS testing.  This will be going on daily through out the day but will take place mostly in the morning.  PLEASE have your child to school on time, well rested and ready to go.  We will also learn the letter G and continue working on our snowman poem with concept of word.  We will also work on writing about what we like to do in the snow.  We will brainstorm a list of things to do in the snow and write sentences about that.  We will be working on writing more than one sentence at a time.

We will learn what a thermometer is, how they work and what we can use them for.  We will test our thermometers in various temperatures during a mini-experiment.

We will finish learning about maps and globes and begin to talk about seasonal changes.  We will identify winter weather and how it effects people and animals.

We will also have a guidance lesson this week with Mrs. Kopley and a Scope lesson with Mrs. Daniele.

PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  Library will be on Friday.  Please send your child's library book back to school then or before Friday.  We only had a few students return their books this past week.

Please also remember  that we will still be going outside unless it is below 40 degrees.  Please send your child  to school with a heavy coat, gloves, hat, scarf, or anything else they need to keep warm.

Thank you all for your continued support!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Beltz